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This has been updated to now support Chapbook. It is still in progress but allows for all functionality apart from camera pathing which is still buggy. Will work to resolve this in future release. There is a different way to load into chapbook. You must download the source code to take a look at the example project red flag. Paste JavaScript there in your chapbook project and then call the loading function like this. You must also ensure that the loadThree function is called in your JavaScript section to ensure it loads. If you would rather just get going with it duplicate the chapbook example and modify it from source. There may still be another release for Chapbook support but it will be soon.  

[JavaScript]   setTimeout(() => { loadThreeJSWithModel('./models/mars.glb', 'space.jpg', 'white',0.5, -5,0,-90, 0.001);   }, 1000);  [continued]